
The FGF21 Analog Pegozafermin in Severe Hypertriglyceridemia: a Randomized Phase 2 Trial

Nature medicine(2024)

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Pegozafermin, a long-acting glycopegylated analog of human fibroblast growth factor 21, is in development for the treatment of severe hypertriglyceridemia (SHTG) and nonalcoholic steatohepatitis. Here we report the results of a phase 2, double-blind, randomized, five-arm trial testing pegozafermin at four different doses ( n = 67; 52 male) versus placebo ( n = 18; 12 male) for 8 weeks in patients with SHTG (triglycerides (TGs), ≥500 mg dl −1 and ≤2,000 mg dl −1 ). Treated patients showed a significant reduction in median TGs for the pooled pegozafermin group versus placebo (57.3% versus 11.9%, difference versus placebo −43.7%, 95% confidence interval (CI): −57.1%, −30.3%; P < 0.001), meeting the primary endpoint of the trial. Reductions in median TGs ranged from 36.4% to 63.4% across all treatment arms and were consistent regardless of background lipid-lowering therapy. Results for secondary endpoints included significant decreases in mean apolipoprotein B and non-high-density lipoprotein cholesterol concentrations (−10.5% and −18.3% for pooled doses compared to 1.1% and −0.6% for placebo (95% CI: −21.5%, −2.0%; P = 0.019 and 95% CI: −30.7%, −5.1%; P = 0.007, respectively), as well as a significant decrease in liver fat fraction for pooled treatment ( n = 17) versus placebo ( n = 6; −42.2% pooled pegozafermin, −8.3% placebo; 95% CI: −60.9%, −8.7%; P = 0.012), as assessed in a magnetic resonance imaging sub-study. No serious adverse events were observed to be related to the study drug. If these results are confirmed in a phase 3 trial, pegozafermin could be a promising treatment for SHTG ( registration: NCT0441186).
Medical research,Clinical trial design,Biomedicine,general,Cancer Research,Metabolic Diseases,Infectious Diseases,Molecular Medicine,Neurosciences
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