
Social media: A new-age educational platform for the millennial ophthalmologist!

Indian journal of ophthalmology(2023)

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Dear Editor, Social media has taken over our lives over the past decade with many people using it for entertainment. However, its usage and far-reaching effects have gained popularity in education post-coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19), which has been brought to light by Kaur et al.[1] Webinars, zoom meetings, and online classes being the new normal—platforms like Instagram, Facebook, WhatsApp, etc., have become popular among the millennial population.[1,2] We would like to throw emphasis on how we have blended social media in our residency and are using it as a source of education, and awareness for other young ophthalmologists. Ophthalmology is based on visual memory for picking up specific cues, which help in diagnosis. Catchy hashtags on Facebook and Instagram make the search easier, as established by Tıskaoğlu et al.[3] On our handles, fun elements such as #QuizupMonday makes us think, read, reciprocate while ingenious ideas and innovations are nurtured via #InnovationTuesday, and recent advances through publications are shared as #AwarenessWednesday. #ThrowbackThursday cherishes old alumni and esteemed guests while sustainable practices reducing the carbon footprint in a high-volume hospital like ours are portrayed via #ForesightFriday. #SurgicalSaturday has proved to be an excellent tool for enhancing and mastering surgical and video creation skills [Fig. 1]. Our YouTube channel illustrates various surgical learning tips and tricks from basic Small incision cataract surgery (SICS)/phacoemulsification to specialty-wise and complicated management done by senior surgeons. Basic videos on indirect ophthalmoscopy and operating microscope are good audiovisual aids in effective learning. We post flash cards with important signs pertaining to a diagnosis, which help in quick revisions before Objective structured clinical examination (OSCE) and practical exams [Fig. 2]. All information posted online is verified by senior consultants of the institute.Figure 1: Instagram wall with concept of hashtag for day-based feed/post. (a) Monday for quiz topics. (b) Tuesday for innovation topics. (c) Wednesday for awareness. (d) Thursday for throwback to old alumni meets. (e) Friday for foresight on sustainability. (f) Saturday for surgical tipsFigure 2: (a and b) YouTube channels for surgical videos and OP procedures. (c) Flashcards for quick learning before examsEngaging in such extracurricular activities has given us an extra edge, further flourishing our growth in residency. Thus, these networking platforms have paved their way in our residency with a positive impact, benefitting in innumerable ways. Financial support and sponsorship Nil. Conflicts of interest There are no conflicts of interest.
millennial ophthalmologist!,social media,educational platform,new-age
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