
Exploring Charge and Spin Fluctuations in Infinite-Layer Cuprate SrCuO2 from a Phonon Perspective

Science China Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy(2024)

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The infinite-layer cuprate ACuO2 (A = Ca, Sr, Ba) possesses the simplest crystal structure among numerous cuprate superconductors and can serve as a prototypical system to explore the unconventional superconductivity. Based on the first-principles electronic structure calculations, we have studied the electronic and magnetic properties of the infinite-layer cuprate SrCuO2 from a phonon perspective. We find that interesting fluctuations of charges, electrical dipoles, and local magnetic moments can be induced by the atomic displacements of phonon modes in SrCuO2 upon the hole doping. Among all optical phonon modes of SrCuO2 in the antiferromagnetic Néel state, only the A1g mode that involves the full-breathing O vibrations along the Cu-O bonds can cause significant fluctuations of local magnetic moments on O atoms and dramatic charge redistributions between Cu and O atoms. Notably, due to the atomic displacements of the A1g mode, both the charge fluctuations on Cu and the electrical dipoles on O show a dome-like evolution with increasing hole doping, quite similar to the experimentally observed behavior of the superconducting Tc; in comparison, the fluctuations of local magnetic moments on O display a monotonic enhancement along with the hole doping. Further analyses indicate that around the optimal doping, there exists a large softening in the frequency of the A1g phonon mode and a van Hove singularity in the electronic structure close to the Fermi level, suggesting potential electron-phonon coupling. Our work reveals the important role of the full-breathing O phonon mode playing in the infinite-layer SrCuO2, which may provide new insights in understanding the cuprate superconductivity.
first-principles calculations,cuprate superconductors,phonon,charge and spin fluctuations
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