
Computer-Aided Design & Applications, 20(S5), 2023, 32-41 © 2023 CAD Solutions, LLC, Http:// 32 Application of Artificial Intelligence in Computer-Assisted English Vocabulary Translation

Yuanyuan Wang,Wei Dong

Computer-Aided Design and Applications(2022)

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Chinese traditional sculpture art has a relatively long history, and it is also relatively famous all over the world.Chinese traditional sculpture art is not only a display of painting techniques and carving techniques, it also has the function of preserving Chinese history and culture.The traditional engraving technology will use the basic theory of drawing to design related factors.However, this kind of carving art is more cost-intensive and human and material resources.Computer-aided technology can assist CAD technology to reconstruct traditional Chinese sculptures.However, it is also difficult for traditional CAD reconstruction techniques to take into account the cultural information, shape information and time correlation of traditional Chinese sculptures.This research uses MPCNN and LSTM technology in artificial intelligence algorithm to assist computer-aided technology and CAD technology to realize the 3D reconstruction task of traditional Chinese sculpture.The research results found that this artificial intelligence theoryassisted CAD reconstruction technology can intuitively restore the pattern information, shape information and cultural information of traditional Chinese sculptures, which is mainly due to the fact that MPCNN-LSTM technology can accurately mine and evaluate the relevant characteristics of traditional Chinese sculptures.
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