
The Marsquake Service Since the InSight Mission to Mars


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After ~4 years of deployment on the martian surface monitoring the planet’s ground motion, the InSight seismometer is now retired. Here, we review the procedures and methods the Marsquake Service (MQS) used to curate the seismic event catalog and describe the content of the catalog. The marsquake catalogue is different from normal catalogues on Earth as it aims to provide the authoritative catalog for the mission, covering the entire planet, using only a single station. As of January 1st, 2023, the MQS catalog contains 1319 seismic events of which 6 are known meteorite impacts. We have also identified 1383 superhigh frequency events that are interpreted as thermal cracking nearby the InSight lander. Late in the project large distant events occurred that allowed MQS to detect surface waves. Multiple events have been associated as impacts using orbital imaging, confirming the MQS single station location procedures. All of these new seismic phases have contributed to advance our understanding of the internal structure of Mars. The marsquake S1222a, the largest event recorded during the mission (MW 4.7) occurred in March 2022 and is also documented in our latest MQS catalog, V13, with many associated seismic phases including both Rayleigh and Love waves, their first-order overtones, and multi-orbiting surface waves that have not been identified in other marsquake records from our previous catalogues. The InSight mission is now closed but the MQS operation continues to analyze the ~4 years of seismic recordings on Mars and a final catalog, including event-specific products such as filter banks, and spectra, is in preparation. This final catalog will inform capabilities and field strategies in geophysical explorations for future martian science missions.
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