
The Current Situation on Bovine Leukemia in Dagestan and Methods of Its Diagnosis

Veterinariâ i kormlenie(2023)

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The article presents the current situation on bovine leukemia in the municipalities of Dagestan and a comparative analysis of serological and molecular-genetic methods of diagnosis. In municipal districts, urban districts and areas of animal husbandry for the first half of 2022, the number of animals examined by immune diffusion 531111 identified 2871, infected with the leukemia virus, which is 0,5 % from the number diagnosed. The degree of infection of livestock with bovine leukemia virus in rural areas varied from 0,01 to 5,2 %. The average coverage rate of serological studies of animals on leukemia – 57,2 %. Hematological studies of seropositive animals were not carried out during the analyzed period. 79 new leukemia-affected points have been registered, 95 unhealthy points have been transferred since 2021, only 3 points have been rehabilitated. As on 01.07.2022, 171 leukemia-affected points are registered, including 38 in agricultural enterprises, 4 of them in breeding farms, 27 farms and 106 farms. A comparative analysis of the data on the carrier of antibodies and DNA provirus showed that ELISA revealed 7 animals more carriers of antibodies than in AGID, PCR study revealed 14 and 7 animals more carriers of DNA provirus than carriers of antibodies in AGID and ELISA, respectively. To maximize the detection of seropositive BLV of animals, the integrated use of AGID, ELISA and PCR methods as a promising system in anti-leukemia measures is proposed. The introduction of ELISA and PCR diagnostics into the veterinary practice of the Dagestan Republic will make it possible to determine virus transmission in animals from the first day after birth (ELISA) and from the 20th day of the calf's life (PCR), as well as to increase the effectiveness and shorten the duration of anti-leukemia measures the final stages of the recovery of agricultural enterprises from leukemia infection.
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