
Ultrafast Laser-Induced Control of Magnetic Anisotropy in Nanostructures

Žurnal tehničeskoj fiziki(2022)

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Employing short laser pulses with a duration below 100 fs for changing magnetic state of magnetically-ordered media has developed into a distinct branch of magnetism femtomagnetism which aims at controlling magnetization at ultimately short timescales. Among plethora of femtomagnetic phenomena, there is a class related to impact of femtosecond pulses on magnetic anisotropy of materials and nanostructures which defines orientation of magnetization, magnetic resonance frequencies and spin waves propagation. We present a review of main experimental results obtained in this field. We consider basic mechanisms responsible for a laser-induced change of various anisotropy types: magnetocrystalline, magnetoelastic, interfacial, shape anisotropy, and discuss specifics of these processes in magnetic metals and dielectrics. We consider several examples and describe features of magnetic anisotropy changes resulting from ultrafast laser-induced heating, impact of laser-induced dynamic and quasistatic strains and resonant excitation of electronic states. We also discuss perspectives of employing various mechanisms of laser-induced magnetic anisotropy change for enabling processes prospective for developing devices. We consider precessional magnetization switching for opto-magnetic information recording, generation of high-frequency strongly localized magnetic excitations and fields for magnetic nanotomography and hybrid magnonics, as well as controlling spin waves propagation for optically-reconfigurable magnonics. We further discuss opportunities which open up in studies of ultrafast magnetic anisotropy changes because of using short laser pulses in infrared and terahertz ranges.
magnetic anisotropy,femtosecond laser pulses,femtomagnetism,picosecond acoustics,magnetization precession,spin waves,magnetization switching,magnon-phonon coupling
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