
Re-embracing MSL approaches in realities of emergent conditions

Res. Pract. Technol. Enhanc. Learn.(2023)

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In recent years, educational routines have been challenged with emergent conditions related to COVID-19. These challenges impact how teaching, learning, and evaluations are being exercised. This paper describes and suggests an alternative approach to alleviate challenges related to evaluation activities required in programming courses during days of the pandemic. In such cases, emergent conditions restrict evaluation activities, and accordingly, we suggest that an overall experience should be seamlessly conducted across contexts and settings (Hwang & Chang, 2021). Thus, an activity provides lecturers and students with a smooth transition while shifting between the formal course and the evaluation activity. This activity is examined in light of ten dimensions concerning Mobile Seamless Learning (MSL) reflecting education exercised across context and settings. Accordingly, we conducted qualitative research to examine quotations from 23 students addressing the activity. We searched for students' insights concerning MSL dimensions, and their perceived potential to alleviate educational challenges in the realities of emergent conditions. This research indicates the potential of this alternative approach for an evaluation activity capable of coping with challenges experienced by lecturers and students during the time of COVID-19. Occasionally, and due to technical and administrative issues, MSL activities were perceived as challenging to conduct. We present the outcomes of our research efforts, as we hope to encourage lecturers to reconsider and re-embrace MSL activities as part of the practices they exercised during emergent conditions experienced in the days of the pandemic.
Higher Education,Alternative Evaluation Method,COVID-19,Mobile Seamless Learning Dimensions
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