
Riluzole treatment modulates KCC2 and EAAT-2 receptor expression and Ca2+ accumulation following ventral root avulsion injury.

European journal of cell biology(2023)

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Avulsion injury results in motoneuron death due to the increased excitotoxicity developing in the affected spinal segments. This study focused on possible short and long term molecular and receptor expression alterations which are thought to be linked to the excitotoxic events in the ventral horn with or without the anti-excitotoxic riluzole treatment. In our experimental model the left lumbar 4 and 5 (L4, 5) ventral roots of the spinal cord were avulsed. Treated animals received riluzole for 2 weeks. Riluzole is a compound that acts to block voltage-activated Na+ and Ca2+ channels. In control animals the L4, 5 ventral roots were avulsed without riluzole treatment. Expression of astrocytic EAAT-2 and that of KCC2 in motoneurons on the affected side of the L4 spinal segment were detected after the injury by confocal and dSTORM imaging, intracellular Ca2+ levels in motoneurons were quantified by electron microscopy. The KCC2 labeling in the lateral and ventrolateral parts of the L4 ventral horn was weaker compared with the medial part of L4 ventral horn in both groups. Riluzole treatment dramatically enhanced motoneuron survival but was not able to prevent the down-regulation of KCC2 expression in injured motoneurons. In contrast, riluzole successfully obviated the increase of intracellular calcium level and the decrease of EAAT-2 expression in astrocytes compared with untreated injured animals. We conclude that KCC2 may not be an essential component for survival of injured motoneurons and riluzole is able to modulate the intracellular level of calcium and expression of EAAT-2.
Calcium,EAAT-2,KCC2,Riluzole,Motoneuron injury
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