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Tunable dielectric BIC metasurface for high resolution optical filters


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The dielectric metasurface has become a powerful tool for compact optical components with various wavefront controlling functionalities accompanied by negligible losses at the corresponding working frequencies. In this work, we propose a tunable all-dielectric metasurface as an optical filter with high resolution covering different optical communication bands, where tunability is realized by a combination of changing the incident angle and modulating the refractive index of an optical phase changing material (OPCM). When the incident angle varies, our optical filter based on a two-dimensional bound state in continuums (BIC) metasurface can achieve sequential, extremely sharp resonances. In addition, the resonance peaks could be further shifted to a different frequency band by the refractive index change of OPCM via pulsed laser heating. The proposed scheme can offer optical filters with high spectral resolution and large tunable working wavelength range, which greatly benefits from the topological property of BIC and large modulation depth of OPCM.
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tunable,metasurface,optical phase changing material,bound state in continuums,edge imaging
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