Characterization of errors in satellite-based HCHO / NO2 tropospheric column ratios with respect to chemistry, column-to-PBL translation, spatialrepresentation, and retrieval uncertaintiesAmir H. Souri,Matthew S. Johnson,Glenn M. Wolfe,James H. Crawford,Alan Fried,Armin Wisthaler,William H. Brune,Donald R. Blake,Andrew J. Weinheimer,Tijl Verhoelst,Steven Compernolle,Gaia Pinardi,Corinne Vigouroux,Bavo Langerock,Sungyeon Choi,Lok Lamsal,Lei Zhu,Shuai Sun,Ronald C. Cohen,Kyung-Eun Min,Changmin Cho,Sajeev Philip,Xiong Liu,Kelly ChanceATMOSPHERIC CHEMISTRY AND PHYSICS(2023)引用 18|浏览84暂无评分AI 理解论文溯源树样例生成溯源树,研究论文发展脉络Chat Paper正在生成论文摘要