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Techno-Economy Analysis of Production Optimization Through Compressor Modification and Conversion from Condensate Handling Facility to Water Handling Facility on HA Gas Field in PT. X

Hendri Andriyadi,Bambang Heru Susanto

4th Asia Pacific Conference on Research in Industrial and Systems Engineering 2021(2021)

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ABSTRACT HA field is natural gas field which operated by PT. X. HA field has four producing wells with subsea well head as the completion type. Gas that being produced from the HA field will be flowed through subsea pipeline to the floating process unit for dehydration process and then distributed to customers in East Java. HA field starting its production on March 2019 with initial reservoir pressure is 1300 – 1500 Psia. The gas composition is consist of 99% methane that does not required long process before it could be delivered to the customer. Optimization analysis on HA field is carried out by creating a well simulation model and reservoir simulation model. Based on those model, a production system simulation is performed by reducing the compressor suction pressure and conversion from condensate facility to water handling facility. After the technical analysis is done, the next step is to conduct an economic evaluation based on the scenario that gives an increase in gas cumulative so that it will produce economic parameters such as Net Present Value (NPV), Internal Rate of Return (IRR), Pay Out Time (POT), and Profit to Investment Ratio (PIR). As a results, scenario 1 is the most feasible approach to be applied in HA field which generates NPV is MMUS$ 11.44, internal rate of return 58.43%, pay out time 1 year, and profit to investment ratio is 2.1. CCS CONCEPTS
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