
Time Periodic Solutions Close to Localized Radial Monotone Profiles for the 2D Euler Equations

Annals of PDE(2023)

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In this paper, we address for the 2D Euler equations the existence of rigid time periodic solutions close to stationary radial vortices of type f_0(|x|)1_ 𝔻 (x) , with 𝔻 the unit disc and f_0 being a strictly monotonic profile with constant sign. We distinguish two scenarios according to the sign of the profile: defocusing and focusing. In the first regime, we have scarcity of the bifurcating curves associated with lower symmetry. However in the focusing case we get a countable family of bifurcating solutions associated with large symmetry. The approach developed in this work is new and flexible, and the explicit expression of the radial profile is no longer required as in [41] with the quadratic shape. The alternative for that is a refined study of the associated spectral problem based on Sturm-Liouville differential equation with a variable potential that changes the sign depending on the shape of the profile and the location of the time period. Deep hidden structure on positive definiteness of some intermediate integral operators are also discovered and used in a crucial way. Notice that a special study will be performed for the linear problem associated with the first mode founded on Prüfer transformation and Kneser’s Theorem on the non-oscillation phenomenon.
2D Euler equations,Periodic solutions,Bifurcation theory,Eigenvalue problems,35Q35,35Q86,76U05,35B32,35P30
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