The design of a DataBase for Natural Resources in Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve DDBR

Scientific Annals of the Danube Delta Institute(2016)

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Efficient use of natural resources especially in Natura 2000 sites is an essential component of Europe 2020 strategy. The use of web database is absolutely necessary for a good resource management and it will provide a good communication channel for the main stakeholders: protected area manager, scientists, resources evaluators and local community. Access to information from database is allowed according with the user competence. General information on natural resources uses in Danube Delta Biosphere Reserve (D.D.B.R.) will be freely available. Different degree of information, especially regarding editing data will be applied for the main actors involved in use of natural resources. Evaluators that are mainly scientists with good biodiversity background, protected area staff that applies the regulation regarding natural resources in relation with ecological conditions, private companies or persons interested in harvesting natural resources. The user interface is realized by using OpenSource products. The web interface for tabular data was build using ExtJs Javascrip library. The web map user interface was build using Openlayers, GeoExt, and Ext. For database SQL server we chose PostgresSQL and GeoServer for maps server
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natural resources management,Web database,GeoServer,PostgresSQ,JavaScript
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