
Asian Horseshoe Crab Conservation: Knowledge, Attitudes, and Intentions of Local College Students in Northern Beibu Gulf, China

International Horseshoe Crab Conservation and Research Efforts: 2007- 2020(2022)

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Asian horseshoe crabs are declining throughout their geographic range, particularly in the Beibu Gulf that harbors the world’s most abundant population of tri-spine horseshoe crab, Tachypleus tridentatus. Community-based programs are an essential strategy in the conservation of Asian horseshoe crabs. Since the participants of conservation awareness programs in the northern Beibu Gulf are mostly local college students, this study aimed to obtain a better understanding of the students’ attitudes and behavioral intentions toward horseshoe crab conservation. The results from 391 respondents showed that the students’ attitudes toward horseshoe crab conservation were generally neutral to positive (mean score of 3.68 on a five-point Likert scale). However, they had a poor understanding of basic ecological knowledge regarding horseshoe crabs (4.77 correct responses out of 11). Greater conceptual understanding of horseshoe crabs was positively correlated with the scores in students’ attitudes and behavior toward horseshoe crab conservation. Students who had previously joined environmental awareness campaigns had significantly greater knowledge of and support for horseshoe crabs and their conservation. Results also indicate that the students’ gender and their parents’ occupation correlated to their attitudes and intentions. This study provides a basis for recommendations for environmental education and community involvement targeted on Asian horseshoe crab conservation.
Asian horseshoe crabs, Social perceptions, Behavioral intentions, Community-based conservation, Beibu Gulf
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