
Investigation on dioxins emission characteristic during complete maintenance operating period of municipal solid waste incineration

Environmental Pollution(2023)

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The dioxins (DXN) are a set of pollutants encompass polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxin/dibenzofuran (PCDD/F), their emissions from municipal waste incineration processes (MSWI) are normally detected under steady oper-ating conditions. However, limited studies have focused on the PCDD/F emission characteristics under a com-plete maintenance operating period (CMOP), which includes shut-down, cooling, maintenance, heating, startup, and normal operations. In this article, the shutdown process (SDP) starts from the normal operation, followed by shutdown, and then cooling; while the startup process (SUP) commences from heating, followed by startup, and then normal operation. The detection and analysis were conducted at the SDP and SUP stages. The PCDD/F mass and total toxic equivalent quantity (TEQ) concentrations were measured in the flue gas and bag filter fly ash (BF-FA) during a CMOP of Beijing MSWI plant. The highest PCDD/F concentrations in the flue gas were found in the "cooling" and "startup" phases; in the FA, this condition occurred in the "startup" phase. Further, the results show that the most heightened concentrations were observed for 5-6 chlorinated PCDF and 4-5 chlorinated PCDD among the 17 PCDD/F congeners in most cases. More importantly, the air pollution control devices (APCDs) which include activated carbon, lime, and BF, have high removal efficiency for PCDD/F (especially PCDD) during the "startup" phase. APCDs also easily release a considerable amount of PCDD/F because of the memory effect, which emits more PCDD/F at the "shutdown" phase than at the "startup" one. Besides, the annual PCDD/F emission in the flue gas of the MSWI plant was estimated to be 67.72 mg I-TEQ, of which the emission accounts for approx. 20% during the CMOP. Moreover, the experiment shows that the PCDD/F emissions of the MSWI plant in Beijing under unsteady conditions are more miniature than those reported earlier in other areas.
Municipal solid waste incineration (MSWI),Dioxin,Polychlorinated dibenzo-p-dioxin,dibenzofuran (PCDD,F),Complete maintenance operating period,(CMOP),Memory effect,Annual dioxins emission
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