Rapidity and momentum distributions of 1D dipolar quantum gases

arXiv (Cornell University)(2022)

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One-dimensional ultracold bosonic gases with contact interactions are described by the integrable Lieb-Liniger model. In the case of 1D dysprosium gases, two open questions are whether its strong dipole-dipole interactions produce measurable effects in equilibrium and whether a description based on the Lieb-Liniger model is still applicable. In this work, we measure the rapidity and momentum distributions of low-temperature equilibrium states of highly magnetic 1D dysprosium Bose gases. We tune the strength of the dipolar interactions by changing the magnetic field orientation and compare the measurements to the Lieb-Liniger model predictions obtained using the thermodynamic Bethe ansatz (for rapidity) and path-integral quantum Monte Carlo (for momentum). The theory quantitatively describes the experiments most closely in the Tonks-Girardeau limit. The agreement worsens at intermediate interactions, but theory nevertheless tracks the overall experimental trends. Our results show that the dipolar interactions have a significant effect, which weakens as one approaches the Tonks-Girardeau limit, and suggest that the Lieb-Liniger model is a good starting point for describing near-ground-state dipolar 1D gases.
dipolar quantum gases,momentum distributions
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