
Efficacy of Novel SPAK Inhibitor ZT-1a Derivatives (1c, 1d, 1g & 1h) on Improving Post-Stroke Neurological Outcome and Brain Lesion in Mice

Mohammad Iqbal H. Bhuiyan, Sydney Fischer, Shivani M. Patel, Helena Oft, Ting Zhang, Lesley M. Foley, Jinwei Zhang, T. Kevin Hitchens, Bradley J. Molyneaux, Xianming Deng, Dandan Sun

Neurochemistry international(2023)

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SPAK inhibitor ZT-1a was previously shown to be neuroprotective in murine ischemic stroke models. In this study, we further examined the efficacy of four ZT-1a derivatives (ZT-1c, -1d, -1g and -1h) on reducing stroke-induced sensorimotor function impairment and brain lesions. Vehicle control (Veh) or ZT-1 derivatives were administered via osmotic pump to adult C57BL/6J mice during 3-21 h post-stroke. Neurological behavior of these mice was assessed at days 1, 3, 5, and 7 post-stroke and MRI T2WI and DTI analysis was subsequently conducted in ex vivo brains. Veh-treated stroke mice displayed sensorimotor function deficits compared to Sham mice. In contrast, mice receiving ZT-1a derivatives displayed significantly lower neurological deficits at days 3-7 post-stroke (p < 0.05), with ZT-1a, ZT-1c and ZT-1d showing greater impact than ZT-1h and ZT-1g. ZT-1a treatment was the most effective in reducing brain lesion volume on T2WI and in preserving NeuN + neurons (p < 0.01), followed by ZT-1d > -1c > -1g > -1h. The Veh-treated stroke mice displayed white matter tissue injury, reflected by reduced fractional anisotropy (FA) or axial diffusivity (AD) values in external capsule, internal capsule and hippocampus. In contrast, only ZT-1a-as well as ZT-1c-treated stroke mice exhibited significantly higher FA and AD values. These findings demonstrate that post-stroke administration of SPAK inhibitor ZT-1a and its derivatives (ZT-1c and ZT-1d) is effective in protecting gray and white matter tissues in ischemic brains, showing a potential for ischemic stroke therapy development.
DTI,Ischemic stroke,MRI,Neurodegeneration,SPAK
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