Emotion Analysis of Occluded Facial Expressions - A Review of Literature

2022 ASU International Conference in Emerging Technologies for Sustainability and Intelligent Systems (ICETSIS)(2022)

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Emotions are really crucial in our daily lives.; hence the understanding and detection of emotional reactions are essential for human research. Emotions are multifaceted phenomena that influence our behavior, perception, and cognition. Once trained, both humans and machines can discern emotions in images. As a result, prior researchers have investigated various machine learning algorithms for emotion analysis utilizing image processing. We did a comprehensive literature evaluation to determine the present state of research and research gaps in the above topic. We looked into various essential factors, such as types of emotions and partially occluded facial expressions. Occlusions arise when someone is wearing glasses (e.g., in a virtual reality application) or a face mask, (e.g., in medical context). Current issues in overcoming partial occlusion as well as potential technological advancements were examined. The study contributes significantly by providing a detailed and up-to-date assessment of past initiatives in the chosen domain.
emotion analysis,machine learning,facial expressions,partial occlusion
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