
Comparative Physiology and Genomics of Hydrogen-Producing Vibrios


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The Hyf-type formate hydrogen lyase (FHL) complex was first proposed based on sequence comparisons in Escherichia coli in 1997 (Andrews et al. in Microbiology 143:3633–3647, 1997). The hydrogenase in the Hyf-type FHL was estimated to be a proton-translocating energy-conserving [NiFe]-hydrogenase. Although the structure of FHL is similar to that of complex I, silent gene expression in E. coli has caused delays in unveiling the genetic and biochemical features of the FHL. The entire set of genes required for Hyf-type FHL synthesis has also been found in the genome sequences of Vibrio tritonius in 2015 (Matsumura et al. in Int J Hydrog Energy 40:9137–9146, 2015), which produces more hydrogen (H 2 ) than E. coli . Here we investigate the physiological characteristics, genome comparisons, and gene expressions to elucidate the genetic backgrounds of Hyf-type FHL, and how Hyf-type FHL correlates with the higher H 2 production of V. tritonius . Physiological comparisons among the seven H 2 -producing vibrios reveal that V. porteresiae and V. tritonius , grouped in the Porteresiae clade, show greater capacity for H 2 production than the other species. The structures of FHL-Hyp gene clusters were closely related in both Porteresiae species, but differed from those of the other species with the presence of hupE , a possible nickel permease gene. Interestingly, deeper genome comparisons revealed the co-presence of nickel ABC transporter genes ( nik ) with the Hyf-type FHL gene only on the genome of the Porteresiae clade species. Therefore, active primary Ni transport might be one of the key factors characterizing higher H 2 production in V. tritonius . Furthermore, the expression of FHL gene cluster was significantly up-regulated in V. tritonius cells stimulated with formate, indicating that formate is likely to be a control factor for the gene expression of V. tritonius FHL in a similar way to the formate regulon encoding the E. coli FHL.
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