
Specificity of performance validity tests in patients with confirmed epilepsy.

The Clinical neuropsychologist(2022)

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While assessment of performance validity is essential to neuropsychological evaluations, use of performance validity tests (PVTs) in an epilepsy population has raised concerns due to factors that may result in performance fluctuations. The current study assessed whether specificity was maintained at previously suggested cutoffs in a confirmed epilepsy population on the Warrington Recognition Memory Test (WRMT) - Words and Test of Memory Malingering (TOMM). Eighty-two confirmed epilepsy patients were administered the WRMT-Words and TOMM as part of a standardized neuropsychological evaluation. Frequency tables were utilized to investigate specificity rates on these two PVTs. The suggested WRMT-Words Accuracy Score cutoff of ≤42 was associated with a specificity rate of 90.2%. Five out of the 8 individuals falling below the Accuracy Score cutoff scored 42, suggesting specificity could be further improved by slightly lowering the cutoff. The WRMT-Words Total Time cutoff of ≥207 seconds was associated with 95.1% specificity. A TOMM Trial 1 cutoff of <40 was associated with 93.9% specificity, while the established cutoff of <45 on Trial 2 and the Retention Trial yielded specificity rates of 98.6% and 100.0%, respectively. Our findings demonstrate acceptable performance on two PVTs in a select confirmed epilepsy population without a history of brain surgery, active seizures during testing, and/or low IQ, irrespective of various factors such as seizure type, seizure lateralization/localization, and language lateralization. The possible presence of interictal discharges were not controlled for in the current study, which may have contributed to reduced PVT performances.
Performance validity,epilepsy,neuropsychological testing
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