
Intramedullary Skeletal Distraction Robot: Novel Design and Optimization of Implantable Lengthening Nail


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Leg Length Discrepancy (LLD) is a critical problem which not only impacts the quality of life but also causes other physical ailments such as limping and severe back pain. Most people had a non-negligible difference in the length of their two legs, and 0.1% of the population with differences of 20 mm or more are diagnosed as a difference in limb length. The Ilizarov external fixator is commonly used in treating LLD as conventional therapeutic equipment, but often causes serious complications that cannot be prevented. Therefore, intramedullary leg-lengthening treatment has become popular in distraction osteogenesis to eliminate extracorporeal surgery. This paper presents a study on the design and optimization of a novel electromagnetic-driven Intramedullary Skeletal Distraction Robot (ISDR) with robust mechanical stiffness and surplus electromagnetic driving force. Compared with PRECICE, the split structure of ISDR eases the optimal design and manufacturing difficulties to strengthen mechanical stiffness, and the electromagnetic configuration allows improving the distraction force by adjusting the Permanent Magnet Brushless Direct Current (PMBLDC) motor parameters. ISDR, which is implanted in the medullary cavity, has the Von-Mises stress of 952.15 MPa, and the first mode of natural frequency is 28.823 Hz indicating that it can withstand the load during the walking gait phases. On the other hand, the ISDR distraction force encounters resistance from muscle fibers, and an average driving torque of 9 Nmm ensures its distraction. Based on the results, ISDR is proven secure and reliable during and after leg-lengthening treatment, which can significantly reduce lifestyle disruption and medical complications.
Leg Length Discrepancy,bone distraction,ISDR,design and optimization
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