
Peracarid Assemblages in a Human-Disturbed Location from South-Western Mediterranean Sea: Role of Surface Orientation and Phytal Structure of the Habitat


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The goal of this investigation was to assess the role of a number of environmental variables on the traits of a peracarid population inhabiting turfs of Ellisolandia elongata in a Mediterranean disturbed location. Samples were collected from a vertical and a horizontal surface to assess the role of orientation, and several structural traits of the turf (number of fronds, their height and width, available phytal area for colonization, and dry weight) were measured. The samples were characterized by their species composition, relative abundance of constant species, total abundance of individuals, and α-diversity (species richness, Shannon index and Pielou’s evenness). Generalized linear models were used to relate environmental variables with ecological descriptors, whereas a cluster plot and a principal correspondence analysis, both based on the Bray-Curtis coefficient, were conducted to detect the presence of distinct assemblages. Results showed orientation to be a key factor governing the assemblages, since samples from vertical and horizontal surfaces formed definite groups based on Bray-Curtis similarities. Moreover, GLMs pointed out that orientation influenced relative abundance of the majority of constant species, as well as species richness and Shannon index. Phytal height had a positive effect on the relative abundances of Hexapleomera bultidactyla , Coxischyrocerus inexpectatus and Hyale stebbingi , and a negative one on Shannon index and evenness, whereas available phytal area influenced positively evenness and negatively the relative abundance of Elasmopus pocillimanus . Thus, it can be inferred that although species composition depended on surface orientation, the spatial structure of the turf was the main driver for assemblage complexity.
Zoobenthos, Crustacea, Littoral, Mediterranean, South-eastern Spain
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