
Lessons Learned from Multi-Institutional Medical Physics Animated Video Production

International Journal of Radiation Oncology*Biology*Physics(2022)

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Background Medical physics education is a vital part of radiation oncology (RO) residency. However, its instruction is heterogenous across training programs. We present the results of a pilot series of high-yield videos, with special focus on lessons learned for future educational pilots. Methods The ASTRO Core Curriculum was used to choose 4 high-yield topics to cover in 5-10 minute animated videos. Scripting was done by ROs, reviewed by medical physicists, and graphics created by university broadcasting specialist; there were 8 active team members. Participants were recruited through social media and AROPC emails over the course of 1 month with aim of 80 participants. Demographic information was collected for each participant and the surveys were sent to eligible registrants sequentially, such that video 2 would be sent once survey assessment of video 1 was complete. Video evaluation was developed based off validated technology acceptance model (TAM) questionnaires composed of a series of Likert style questions. Results Creation of the four pilot videos took 7 months, with multiple iterations of scripting and storyboarding. Video cost was estimated to have been nearly 10x the quoted and agreed upon fee due to significant time needed to communicate graphic designer regarding complexities of radiation physics. Ultimately, 169 unique participants enrolled in the pilot from across the country which was 211% of the targeted cohort size. Of this cohort, 108 initiated the series and 85 completed the pilot resulting in a 78% completion rate. Videos were watched for a median duration of 6:38 out of ∼10 minutes. All participants reported the use of graphic animation improved understanding across all videos. 93% agreed with a need for additional resources geared specifically towards RO and 100% would recommend these videos to other residents. Discussion The Hi-Phy pilot series was a successful in developing videos that were effective in teaching RO physics concepts. As RO residents report a need for free and high quality standardized educational resources, it is important to learn from this experience. Medical physics education is a vital part of radiation oncology (RO) residency. However, its instruction is heterogenous across training programs. We present the results of a pilot series of high-yield videos, with special focus on lessons learned for future educational pilots. The ASTRO Core Curriculum was used to choose 4 high-yield topics to cover in 5-10 minute animated videos. Scripting was done by ROs, reviewed by medical physicists, and graphics created by university broadcasting specialist; there were 8 active team members. Participants were recruited through social media and AROPC emails over the course of 1 month with aim of 80 participants. Demographic information was collected for each participant and the surveys were sent to eligible registrants sequentially, such that video 2 would be sent once survey assessment of video 1 was complete. Video evaluation was developed based off validated technology acceptance model (TAM) questionnaires composed of a series of Likert style questions. Creation of the four pilot videos took 7 months, with multiple iterations of scripting and storyboarding. Video cost was estimated to have been nearly 10x the quoted and agreed upon fee due to significant time needed to communicate graphic designer regarding complexities of radiation physics. Ultimately, 169 unique participants enrolled in the pilot from across the country which was 211% of the targeted cohort size. Of this cohort, 108 initiated the series and 85 completed the pilot resulting in a 78% completion rate. Videos were watched for a median duration of 6:38 out of ∼10 minutes. All participants reported the use of graphic animation improved understanding across all videos. 93% agreed with a need for additional resources geared specifically towards RO and 100% would recommend these videos to other residents. The Hi-Phy pilot series was a successful in developing videos that were effective in teaching RO physics concepts. As RO residents report a need for free and high quality standardized educational resources, it is important to learn from this experience.
radiation physics,animation,educational videos
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