
Food Waste Measurement in a Chain of Industrial Restaurants in Brazil

Journal of cleaner production(2022)

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Food waste research is growing over the years. Approximately one third of all produced food in the world is lost or wasted annually. However, few studies address food waste in the restaurant's environment. In restaurants, food waste includes leftovers and plate waste. The leftovers are equivalent to prepared but not served food, while plate waste is all the food that was distributed but not consumed. This study quantifies food waste in a chain of industrial restaurants in an industrial park in Brazil. The measurement process covered 14 restaurants that provide around 12,000 meals a day. The data collection lasted 9 months and gathered data for a period of one month for each restaurant during lunchtime. The results indicated daily waste of 1,297 kg, that is, 938 kg for leftovers and 359 kg for plate waste. These numbers indicate excessive production of food and waste of food on plates. The food waste quantified in the present study is equivalent to serving 1,638 meals, considering the same standard offered in the restaurants covered in the research. This food waste, which was measured just during lunchtime, costs the company around U$3,675.99/day. The study focused on the period of lunchtime, which is usually the main meal for Brazilians. However, it would be important to map the other meals to generate data and measurement protocols for reducing food waste. Contributions in the economic, environmental, and social spheres can serve as points of discussion for the implementation of measures that can fight food waste in restaurants.
Plate waste. food service. food catering. direct weighing. leftovers. Brazil
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