
Photonic crystal based interferometric design for label-free all-optical sensing applications


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Optical sensing devices has a great potential in both industrial and biomedical applications for the detection of biochemicals, toxic substances or hazardous gases thanks to their sustainability and high-selectivity characteristics. Among different kinds of optical sensors based on such as fibers, surface plasmons and resonators; photonic crystal (PC) based optical sensors enable the realization of more compact and highly efficient on-chip sensing platforms due to their intriguing dispersive relations. Interferometric devices based on PCs render possible the creation of biochemical sensors with high sensitivity since a slight change of sensor path length caused by the captured biochemicals could be detected at the output of the interferometer via the interferences of separated beams. In this study, a new type of Mach-Zehnder Interferometer (MZI) using low-symmetric Si PCs is proposed, which is compatible with available CMOS technology. Intended optical path difference between the two MZI channels is provided by the periodic alignments of symmetry-reduced PC unit cells in the MZI arms. Unlike the conventional symmetrical PC based MZIs, Fano resonances exist for the proposed MZI design, i.e. transmission dips and peaks appear in the output spectrum, and the location of dip and peak frequencies in transmission spectra can be efficiently controlled by utilizing interference phenomenon. Exploiting this effect, any refractive index change at the surrounding medium could be distinctly observed at the transmission spectra. In the view of such results, it is convenient to say that the proposed MZI configuration is suitable for efficient optical sensing of toxic gases as well as liquids. The designed all-dielectric MZI system is numerically investigated in both spectral and spatial domains to analyze its interferometric tunability: an optical sensitivity of about 300 nrn/RIU is calculated tbr gaseous analytes whereas that sensitivity value is around 263.2 nm/RIU in the case of liquid analytes. Furthermore, high quality factor of Q > 45000 is obtained at Fano resonances with Figure-of-Merit (FoM) value of FoM similar to 8950 RIU-1 (7690 RIU-1) in the case of gas analytes (liquid analytes), which is the indication of enhanced optical sensing performance of the proposed MZI design. Considering all the above-mentioned advantages, the proposed interferometric configurations based on low-symmetric PCs could be utilized for efficient photonic sensor applications that require controllable output power or sensing of gaseous and liquid substances. (C) 2022 Optica Publishing Group under the terms of the Optica Open Access Publishing Agreement
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