The 3D recording of the so-called Spreti sarcophagus in the Basilica of San Vitale (Ravenna, Italy)


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This article presents our experience in digitizing a Late Antique sarcophagus using and combining two different recording methods: Structure from Motion (SfM) and Structured Light Scanning. Due to preservation purposes, it was necessary to obtain a reliable 3D digital reproduction of the artifact to perform observations, measurements, and produce graphic layouts for possible forthcoming restorations. The employment of two recording techniques (hardware + software) was necessary to overcome some loss of data that were registered during the acquisition phase. Each method showed some failure in detecting or processing portions of the object surface, mainly due to the mechanical properties of the material (marble) on which the sarcophagus is made.
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spreti sarcophagus,basilica,3d recording,san vitale,so-called
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