
Blending Internet-based and Tele Group Treatment: Acceptability, Effects, and Mechanisms of Change of Cognitive Behavioral Treatment for Depression

Raphael Schuster,Elena Fischer, Chiara Jansen, Nathalie Napravnik, Susanne Rockinger,Nadine Steger,Anton-Rupert Laireiter

Internet interventions(2022)

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The current COV-19 pandemic increases the need for remote treatment. Among several provision strategies, tele groups have been tested as an efficient option. Still, the number of studies is comparably low, with a clear lack of studies investigating supposed treatment mechanisms. Sixty-one mildly to moderately depressed participants from Salzburg, Bavaria, and Upper Austria were randomized to the intervention or a waiting list control group (RCT). The seven-week treatment comprised preparatory online modules, followed by personalized feedback and a subsequent tele group session. Large treatment effects were observed for depression (CES-D: d = 0.99, p < .001; PHQ-9: d = 0.87, p = .002), together with large effects for cognitive behavioral skills (cognitive style, and behavioral activation, d = 0.88-0.97). Changes in skills mediated treatment outcomes for CES-D and PHQ-9, suggesting comparable mechanisms as in face-to-face therapy. Two typical moderators, therapeutic alliance, and group cohesion, however, failed to predict outcome (p = .289), or only exhibited statistical tendencies (p = .049 to .071). Client satisfaction, system usability, and treatment adherence were high. Blending Internet-based and tele group interventions offers additional options for low-threshold care that is less dependent on population density, commuting distances, or constraints due to the current COV-19 crisis. Results indicate that the blended intervention is clinically effective by fostering core CBT skills. While findings suggest the notion that working alliance and group cohesion can be established online, their relevancy for outcomes of blended treatment needs to be further investigated.
Internet-based treatment,Tele therapy,Blended treatment,Therapeutic process,Working alliance,Depression,Covid-19
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