
Challenges Affecting Couples Resorting to Assisted Reproductive Treatment (ART) in Romania

Obstetrics & gynecology international journal(2021)

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Objective: The aim of this paper is to illustrate the main points of interest regarding the way treatment of infertility impacts the life of couples who struggle with this condition in Romania. The unique aspects and specific challenges regarding social, financial and psychological implications that affect Romanian couples who access specialized treatment for infertility will be thoroughly discussed. Methods: This study is a descriptive cross-sectional research. The sample population included patients who attended specialized infertility treatment (Assisted Reproductive Techniques - ART) in Fertility Clinics from Romania. The study was conducted between 2017 and 2019 and data was gathered through two infertility questionnaires. Results: The questionnaire for women was filled in by 829 female participants who struggled with infertility and resorted to ART and the questionnaire for men was completed by 227 male participants, as partners of the women, some of them as well with fertility issues. We analysed the results regarding all aspects surrounding infertility and ART, such as: psychological implications, impact of stress, access to specialized treatment, costs for treatment. Conclusion: The results showed that couples who struggle with infertility have to deal with high costs for specialized infertility treatments, in addition to stress related to treatment, creating a combination which negatively impacts their future chances of getting a pregnancy.
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