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A case report of ayurvedic management of shittapitta (urticaria)

International Ayurvedic Medical JournalOctober 2021(2021)

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In Urticaria Vata and Kapha are two doshas that are primarily vitiated and being mixed with pitta (Pittena Saha Sambhooya) spreads internally and Externally (Bahir Aantah Visarpah) and results in to ‘Shittapitta-Udarda-Ko- tha’1. Due to Pitta dosha they create redness, swelling on the skin and moderate to severe itching on the skin. Ayurveda Herbo minerals preparation cures urticaria by balancing Tridoshas in the body. Shittapitta manifests due to exposure to various poisonous materials (allergens), cold environment and intake of Asatmya Ahar Vihar. In modern science, it is compared with urticaria. Hives (urticaria) are red, itchy welts that occur when the skin meets allergen releases histamine and other chemicals. The welts vary in size, appear and then disappear repeatedly as the reaction runs its course. The condition is considered chronic hives if the welts appear for more than six weeks and recur frequently over months or years. Episodes of urticaria may relapse for days, weeks, months or years. In Ayur- veda Herbo-minerals preparation effectively treat Shittapitta and restore healthy skin by balancing Tridosha and Sapta dhatu in the body. Keywords Urticaria, Shittapitta, Dosha, Tridosha, hives
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urticaria,ayurvedic management,shittapitta
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