
Manifestation A Meaningful and Sustainable Value of Research Skills: Study of Biodiversity Learning


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Research skills are skills of conducting scientific research to seek scientific truth by applying the scientific method based on proven scientific reasons. Generally, lecturers at various universities have equipped their students with research skills with meaningful and sustainable values in studying biodiversity. However, information about manifestations had carried out by lecturers regarding this matter was still limited. This study aims to describe the manifestation of the value of meaningful and sustainable research skills in biodiversity learning. This study used a qualitative approach with a narrative research design, the type of data is questionnaire data. The research had conducted from March to June 2021. The sampling was purposive sampling qualitative snowball sampling with the respondent criteria being lecturers who gave lectures on biodiversity studies in their majors (n=82). The process of analysis and interpretation of qualitative data collection had done by coding the data. It had done to mark the respondents' open answers regarding the application of the value of meaningful and sustainable research skills based on the criteria made by researchers based on the value of citizen science activities. The conclusion of this study shows that lecturers have realized the value of meaningful and sustainable research skills in the study of biodiversity learning. This realization is expected to develop in various activities that are more varied, meaningful, and sustainable.
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