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Since the eighties of the last century, investment capital flow was mainly directed to the countries with cheap labor. The current fast technological advancement is allowing for redirection of the investment capital flow back to the countries with highly educated workforce. The success in business is nowadays determined by brain, more than by hands. The latest, massive wave of innovation is referred to as the fourth industrial revolution, and it’s built upon the use of the most advanced information and communication technologies (ICTs), automation, and robotization of all areas of the industry. Production factories are complex socio-economic systems. The world globalization aided and expedited the wide expanse of scientific knowledge, new methods and technologies around the world. The technological progress forces the producers to invoke a rapid transformation of the manufacturing environment. If the producers want to keep up their competitiveness, they need to think quickly, anticipate the future changes, dynamically adapt their business strategy and immediately implement the necessary changes. Only those who can keep up this attitude continuously and perpetually can become successful in the long term.
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