
VAIR: A Novel Visualization System for Article Influence Ranking based on Citation Context


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Article influence ranking is an effective way to reduce information redundancy and improve the efficiency of article retrieval. A large number of ranking models for network items have been employed for the ranking of article influence, such as PageRank and Spamming-resistant Expertise Analysis and Ranking. However, the effectiveness of article influence ranking based on the models of PageRank and SPEAR declines with the rapid growth of academic datasets, because of the increasing complexity of citation network. In order to take a rich set of contextual structures of citation context into consideration, we propose a visualization system VAIR for the citation context-based article influence ranking. Firstly, the word2vec model, a renowned technique in the field of natural language processing, is applied to transform articles into vectorized representations according to citation context. Then, a novel citation context-based article influence ranking model is designed according to the complex relationships quantified in a semantic vectorised space. Several visual designs are implemented, allowing users to perceive and compare the ranking results visually and intuitively. A set of user-friendly interactions are provided in the visualization framework, enabling users to explore the desirable article influence and obtain deep insights into the ranking model. Moreover, a series of case studies and comparison experiments are carried out based on real-world datasets, which further demonstrate the effectiveness of our algorithm for article influence ranking. INDEX TERMS influence ranking, visualization, visual analysis, citation network, word2vec
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