
Characterization of Seaweeds Collected from Baixada Santista Litoral, and Their Potential Uses As Biosorbents of Heavy Metal Cations

Y. J. O. Asencios, L. M. Parreira,E. A. Perpetuo, A. L. Rotta

Revista mexicana de ingeniería química(2022)

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This work aims to characterize biosorbent materials based on seaweed present on the littoral of Baixada Santista (Sao Paulo state, Brazil), and test their asorption properties tremove heavy metal cations (Co+2, Pb+2, and Cd+2) in water, aiming its (Biodegradati n modeling o f sludge bioreac ors of total petroleum hydroc rbons weathering in soil future application in situ remediatios degraded ecosystems. Three types of natural seaweed were studied: Sargassum sp, Ulva and sediment ) lactuca, and Padina sp. These biosorbents were collected, pretreated, and modified by two chemical treatments: 1) Protonation SA MedinaMor no S Huerta Ochoa CA Lucho Constantno L Aguilera Vazquez A Jimenez with HCl, and, 2) Oxidation with KMnO4. The preliminary results showed that the Ulva lactuca is promising for the adsorption G al y M Gu e zR of heavy metal cations in water, which is also very attractive due to its great availability in the ecosystem, and it is renewable. The biosorbents (natural and modified by chemical treatments) were characterized by Fourier Transform Infrared Spectroscopy 5 rec iento, so ev enc a y adap aci n ifid b t iu infnti co dico es cdas (FTIR), and by Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM). The best heavy metal removal values for he best biosorbent Ulva lactuca (Growth survival and adaptation of Bifidobacterium infantis to acidic cond tions) (after chemical treatment) were: 65 mg.g-1 for Co (II), 71 mg.g-1 for Cd(II), and 78 mg.g-1 for Pb(II). L M P B t m Cam A G E B
biosorption,Co (II),Pb(II),Cd (II),Sargassum sp,Ulva lactuca,Padina sp
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