
Thermal Activation of Ti(1-x)Au(x) Thin Films with Enhanced Hardness and Biocompatibility.

Bioactive materials(2022)

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The lifetime of orthopaedic implants can be extended by coating the softer Ti6Al4V alloy with harder biocompatible thin films. In this work, thin films of Ti(1-x)Au(x) are grown on Ti6Al4V and glass substrates by magnetron sputtering in the entire x = 0-1 range, before their key biomechanical properties are performance tuned by thermal activation. For the first time, we explore the effect of in-situ substrate heating versus ex-situ postdeposition heat-treatment, on development of mechanical and biocompatibility performance in Ti-Au films. A similar to 250% increase in hardness is achieved for Ti-Au films compared to bulk Ti6Al4V and a similar to 40% improvement from 8.8 GPa as-grown to 11.9 and 12.3 GPa with in-situ and ex-situ heat-treatment respectively, is corelated to changes in structural, morphological and chemical properties, providing insights into the origins of superhardness in the Ti rich regions of these materials. X-ray diffraction reveals that as-grown films are in nanocrystalline states of Ti-Au intermetallic phases and thermal activation leads to emergence of mechanically hard Ti-Au intermetallics, with films prepared by in-situ substrate heating having enhanced crystalline quality. Surface morphology images show clear changes in grain size, shape and surface roughness following thermal activation, while elemental analysis reveals that in-situ substrate heating is better for development of oxide free Ti3Au beta-phases. All tested Ti-Au films are non-cytotoxic against L929 mouse fibroblast cells, while extremely low leached ion concentrations confirm their biocompatibility. With peak hardness performance tuned to >12 GPa and excellent biocompatibility, Ti-Au films have potential as a future coating technology for load bearing medical implants.
Ti-Au thin film coating,Hardness,Biocompatible,L929 mouse fibroblast,Implants
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