
Effects of sedimentary heavy metals on meiobenthic community in tropical estuaries along eastern Arabian Sea

Environmental geochemistry and health(2022)

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The central west coast of India comprises the 720 km long coastline of Maharashtra state and houses widespread industrial zones along the eastern Arabian Sea. Sediments from seven industrial-dominated estuaries along the central west coast were studied for metal enrichment and benthic assemblages to determine sediment quality status and ecological effects in these areas. The suit of geochemical indices highlighted the contamination of sediment in the estuaries concerning heavy metals. Positive correlations of Hg with Co, Zn, Ni, Cr, and Pb indicated the source similarity and effect of anthropogenic activity. non-Metric Multidimensional Scaling (n-MDS) based on meiofaunal abundance showed a cleared separation of clusters through the gradient of heavy metal concentrations. The Canonical Correspondence Analysis (CCA) results with the Monte Carlo test signified those heavy metals influenced the meiobenthic community. Heavy metals (Cr, Ni, Zn, Cd, Pb, and Hg) were the main drivers shaping the meiofaunal community with a significant ( p < 0.05) reduction in taxa richness, diversity, and evenness. Dominant meiofaunal assemblages evidence the tolerance of foraminiferans and nematodes. However, these taxa were affected by decreased abundance at impacted sites compared to other fauna. In conclusion, results demonstrated that impairment occurred in the meiofaunal community in most estuaries (except AB and KK).
Sediment,Heavy metals,Benthos,Ecological effects,Estuaries,West coast of India
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