
Multidisciplinary approach to medication-related osteonecrosis of the jaw: report of a case


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Nowadays the multidisciplinary team (MDT) plays a critical role in the treatment of patients with osteonecrosis of the oral cavity, in particular for the reconstructive-rehabilitation phase of complex cases. Among the objectives of the MDT we find the improvement of the quality of life of patients, the restoration of the anatomical defect following surgery, as well as the planning of an aesthetic-functional rehabilitation. The experience of the MDT composed of professionals belonging to the Medicine and Oral Pathology Outpatient Clinic of the Maggiore Hospital of Trieste and to the Department of Otolaryngology of the S. Maria degli Angeli Hospital in Pordenone is presented in relation to surgical-prosthetic rehabilitation in a patient with drug-induced osteonecrosis. The patient, suffering from right maxillary osteonecrosis induced by therapy with Zoledronic Acid, underwent a demolitive surgical intervention of right maxillectomy. At the same time, reconstruction was carried out using a microvascularized fibula flap and insertion of 5 implants. Subsequently, the patient was rehabilitated with a fixed prosthesis on implants. The rehabilitation of the treated patient allowed the resumption of functional activities such as chewing and phonation, guaranteeing the patient a good quality of life. Last but not least, it has allowed us to obtain a good result also from an aesthetic point of view. There are numerous studies in literature which confirm the success of planning by the MDT in treating MRONJ hat demonstrate how an effective and dynamic MDT positively influences the patient's therapeutic and rehabilitative path. The MDT must therefore be able to formulate a personalized therapeutic and rehabilitation plan for the individual patient.
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