
Motivált utazók, inspiráció és élménykeresők – avagy az Y generáció utazási szokásainak elemzése

Turisztikai és Vidékfejlesztési Tanulmányok(2019)

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The Budapest Business School Tourism Department started a research on Spring 2018, called „Analysingthe travelling behaviour of Y generation and its long-term trends”. The focus of the research was to explorethe Y generation – born between 1981 and 2000 – travelling behaviour, especially the influencing factorsof decision-making process, the service preferences, the information gathering– and booking process andthe use of communication channels.The rapid growth of international tourist arrivals explains the need of Y generation’s research as they arethe engine of this growth. According to the estimations, they are travelling more often, for 2020 almost 370million Y generational visitor will travel and their tourism spending will be over 400 billion USD (UNWTO2016). On the international market it is already noticed that the younger generation’s travelling behaviouris different from the elder generation, so there is a change eg. in the tourism product’s preferences andpurchased services. The aim of the research is to highlight the Y generation’s consumer expectations, theirpreferences which can help the tourism service providers in their product development and destinationmanagement.In this survey we introduce the findings of our primary research (a combination of online and face-to-facesurvey) which was carried out between 2018. March and July. As part of the research, Y generation’stravelling behaviour was compared with the senior, especially the X generation’s consumption. As a resultof the survey, altogether 1874 questionnaire were collected from the examined generations (out of it, 55%belongs to the Y generation). The sample structure is the following: 1024 respondents belong to Y generation (born between 1981 and 2000) 734 respondents belong to the X generation (born between 1961-1980) 116 respondents belong to the Baby boomers (born before 1960)This result provides a good basis and inspiration for the upcoming research task, deeper analysis with focusgroup interviews.
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