
Actitudes de exintegrantes de las Farc–EP frente a la reincorporación

Social Science Research Network(2020)

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Spanish Abstract: En agosto del 2019 se cumplieron dos anos de la reincorporacion de las Farc-EP. Este proceso es uno de los principales desafios de la implementacion del Acuerdo Final firmado entre el Estado colombiano y la organizacion guerrillera en noviembre de 2016. Los avances en materia de reincorporacion garantizaran su sostenibilidad. En este documento analizamos las actitudes de los exintegrantes frente al proceso en esta primera etapa, tomando los resultados del Registro Nacional de Reincorporacion (RNR), realizado entre la Agencia Nacional de Reincorporacion (ARN) y el componente Farc del Consejo Nacional de Reincorporacion (CNR). Tras mostrar que hay aspectos positivos en las actitudes de las personas en proceso de reincorporacion, y algunos que deben mirarse con preocupacion, estudiamos que caracteristicas de los exintegrantes y su entorno se asocian con mejores actitudes y condiciones para la implementacion del proceso de reincorporacion. Complementamos este analisis contrastando las actitudes de la poblacion en proceso de reincorporacion con las de la poblacion civil, haciendo paralelos, en terminos de los retos de politica publica, para ambos grupos. La evidencia presentada sirve para canalizar esfuerzos en donde mas parecen necesitarse. English Abstract: As of 2019, two years had passed since the demobilization of the Farc-EP. The reincorporation process of former combatants is one of the main challenges of implementating the Final Agreement signed between the Colombian state and the guerrilla organization in November 2016. Progress on reincorporation will ensure its sustainability. In this document we analyze the attitudes of former members of the Farc-EP with respect to this process during its early phases. To do so, we use the results of the National Reincorporation Registry (RNR), carried out between the National Reincorporation Agency (ARN) and the Farc component of the National Reincorporation Council (CNR). After showing that former members display positive attitudes towards their reincorporation process, and noting some others that raise concerns, we explore which characteristics of former members of the Farc-EP and their environment are associated with better attitudes and conditions for the implementation of this point of the peace agreement. We complement this analysis by contrasting activities of the population in the process of reincorporation with those of the civilian population, drawing parallels in terms of public policy challenges for both groups. The evidence presented in this document sheds light on possible future priorities to determine where efforts should be concentrated.
reincorporación,reincorporation process,former members,las farc–ep
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