
Implementation of Security Management Principles in Transport

SHS web of conferences(2021)

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Research background: Transport is one of the key factors in the development of any modern society, and it is not only a goal but also a means of economic development on a global scale. Within the article, we focus on road freight transport, which has the largest market share in the transport sector on the quantity of transported goods. Fuel consumption has risen rapidly in recent times, except for a global drop in demand caused by global constraints in connection with the fight against COVID -19. Increasing the density of transport, increasing requirements for the speed and quality of transport or economic issues significantly affect the decision-making of entities involved in the process of fuel transport and they can have a significant impact on the level of risk in the transport itself. The occurrence of an emergency during the transport of fuels can have negative to tragic effects on life, health, property and the environment. These impacts are in many cases associated with high costs of eliminating these consequences or restoring them to their original state. Purpose of the article: Companies, to succeed in a globally competitive environment must adopt various preventive strategies to minimize the risks and costs associated with a negative event. Choosing the optimal strategy is a challenging step in the decision-making process, so it is important to choose the right mechanism to support this decision. Methods: The article will present a mechanism for selecting appropriate prevention strategies based on the CBA method in a case study. Findings & Value added: Using the CBA method, it refers to the economic benefits associated with the implementation of preventive measures based on conducting a voluntary risk assessment of transport companies.
decision-making process,emergency event,globally competitive environment,risk assessment,transport companies
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