Conhecimentos de profissionais de saúde sobre o princípio da atenção diferenciada aos povos indígenas

Revista Eletrônica Acervo Saúde(2020)

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Objective: Check the health professionals’ knowledge about the differentiated attention principles to indigenous peoples. Methods: Treats of an exploratory research of qualitative approach. As research area has been chosen a hospital in a city at Roraima’s State. Has been applied 11 semi-structured questions in a quiz to 7 health professionals. Results: The most of professionals had not experience with indigenous peoples, and showed a limited comprehension, they did not know or did not know how to express their opinions. In the professionals’ speech analysis, has been noticed that they know some characteristics about differentiated attention as they notice cultural aspects, linguistic and ethnic diversity of indigenous peoples. However, they did not relate these aspects to support their attitudes and behaviors at their health care practices. Conclusion: Were evidenced different prospects of the health professionals, being able to know their experiences about the daily reality at the hospital, were verified a concern about the knowledge about the indigenous peoples and attention quality. The different university graduations need to be checked on sense of prepare them to deal in different cultural contexts.
Indigenous Populations
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