Self-potential method for detection of water leakage through dams

Earth Science Malaysia(2020)

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The self-potential (SP) method is a passive, non-invasive and cost-effective geophysical method based on the measurement of electrical potential naturally occurring on the earth’s surface. One of the main causes for the electrical potential at the earth’s surface is water seepage under the ground. In this work, we perform the SP measurement on a small artificial earthen dam built at Thuyloi University. Our result shows that the selection of electrode types is crucial in the SP measurements. Namely, Cu/CuSO4 porous pots are much better than copper stake electrodes for the SP measurement. Additionally, it is shown that the SP measurement using suitable electrodes can be applied to detect underground water leakage and flow direction in the dam based on an anomaly and variation of electric potential with position on the survey area.
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Key words
streaming potential,electrodes,zeta potential,leakage.
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