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Research on the Density of Magnetic Fluid and Its Application in Mineral Separation

Journal of physics Conference series(2020)

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Abstract The density of magnetic fluid is important for some applications such as mineral processing. Magnetic fluid is a nano-sized magnetic material which has superparamagnetism. The density of magnetic fluid with no magnetic field was introduced. The measuring method was studied and the calculating formula was deduced. Since magnetic fluid could be magnetized, it could be controlled by magnetic field. The density of magnetic fluid could be changed by magnetic field. The buoyancy of magnetic fluid in magnetic field was researched and it was concluded that the buoyancy force of magnetic fluid in magnetic field is related to the mass, the volume, the permeability, the magnetization of magnetic fluid and the gradient of magnetic field. For a certain magnetic fluid, the parameters of itself are fixed. Then the gradient of magnetic field is the mainly factor influencing the magnetic force. A density measuring method for magnetic fluid in magnetic field was introduced. A mineral separation device based on magnetic fluid was introduced. And the principle of the mineral separation device with magnetic fluid was studied. More kinds of magnetic fluid and applications could be explored by researching magnetic fluid.
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