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Analysis of factors related to the choice of cesarean section delivery at RSUD dr. zainoel abidin Banda Aceh


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In Indonesia, cesarean section is generally performed when there are certain medical indications, as an act of ending a pregnancy with complications. Besides, it also becomes an alternative delivery without medical indication because it is considered easier and more convenient. The rate of cesarean delivery in Indonesia has exceeded the maximum WHO standard limit of 5-15%. The rate of cesarean delivery in Indonesia is 15.3% in the last 5 years. This research is analytic, with a cross-sectional approach, the sampling technique was by accidental sampling with a total of 85 respondents, carried out on May 12 - June 20, 2018, at RSUD Dr. Zainoel Abidin Banda Aceh. Data collection was done through distribution of questionnaires, then the chi-square test is performed with a 95% confidence level and a significance limit (a=0.05). Univariate analysis was obtained from 85 respondents, most respondents chose cesarean section delivery with medical indications of 70 respondents (82.4%), multipara parity of 46 respondents (54.1%), experiencing preeclampsia as many as 45 respondents (52.9%), have a history of cesarean section that is 54 respondents (63.5%), experience premature rupture of membranes that are 49 respondents (57.6%) and experience fetal distress that is 52 respondents (51.2%). Bivariate analysis showed parity (p=0.002), preeclampsia (p=0,000), history of cesarean section (p=0.003), premature rupture of membranes (p=0,000) and fetal distress (p=0,000). There is a relationship of parity, preeclampsia, history of cesarean section, premature rupture of membranes, and fetal distress with cesarean section selection with medical indications at RSUD Dr. Zainoel Abidin Banda Aceh. The need for the Hospital, especially obstetricians and gynecologists to consider cesarean section indications more to avoid labor with the cesarean section which is not a medical indication.
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