
Yüksek Riskli Ve Düşük Riskli Endometrium Kanserleri Hastalarda İleri Yaş Kötü Prognostik Bir Faktör Müdür?

Bozok tıp dergisi(2018)

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Amac: Yuksek riskli ve dusuk riskli endometrium kanserinde ileri yasin sagkalim uzerine etkisini arastirmak Metod: 1995-2015 yillari arasinda dusuk riskli 759, yuksek riskli 139 endometrium kanseri hastasi calismaya dahil edildi. Demografik veriler, cerrahi tedavi verileri retrospektif olarak degerlendirildi. Yasin sagkalim uzerine etkisinin arastirilmasi icin Univariate ve multivariate regresyon analizi yapildi. Bulgular: Dusuk riskli ve yasli hastalarda genc hastalarla karsilastirildiginda dis myometrial invazyon, radyoterapi, lefovaskuler invazyon anlamli olarak daha fazlaydi. Yuksek riskli yasli hastlarada sadece radyoterapi orani yuksek bulundu. Yuksek riskli dusuk riskli hastalarda ileri yas total sagkalim icin bagimsiz bir risk faktoru olarak bulundu Sonuc: Hem yuksek riskli hem de dusuk riskli endometrium kanserli hastalarda ileri yas olumsuz prognostik bir faktor olarak bulunmustur Anahtar Sozcu¨kler: Endometrium kanseri; Dusuk risk; Yuksek risk; Ileri yas ABSTRACT Objective: To evaluate the effect of advanced age on high risk and low endometrial cancer patients. Methods: A total of 759 patients with type I endometrial cancer and 139 patients with type II endometrial cancer between January 1995 to December 2015 were included to the study. High risk and low risk patients were devided into two groups according to age. Demographic data, surgical treatment, adjuvant treatment and survival characteristics were compared between age groups in high risk and low risk patients. To detect the independent hazard of the variables on survival univariate and multivariate Cox regression analysis was performed. Results: Outer ½ myometrial invasion, adjuvant radiotherapy, LVSI, tumor diameter were significantly higher in advanced age groups in low risk patients. Admission of adjuvant radiotherapy was the only parameter that differed between older and younger age groups in high risk patients. Both disease free survival and overall survival were higher in younger low risk patients. Overall survival was longer in high risk and younger age patients, but disesase free survival was similar. Multivariate Cox-regression analysis revealed that advanced age was a significant independent hazard for overall survival both in high risk and low risk endometrial cancer patients (HR:1.94, 95% CI:1,0-3,4). Conclusion: Our study suggested that advanced age was a poor prognostic factor both for low risk and high risk endometrial cancer patients. Keywords: Endometrial cancer; High risk; Low risk; Advanced age
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