Bacterial Isolates and Semen Analysis of Male Partners of Infertile Couples.

IOSR Journal of Pharmacy and Biological Sciences(2013)

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BACKGROUND: Seminal tract infections alter the semen quality and affect the sperm parameters of men with varying degree of effect to male fertility. OBJECTIVES: This study was carried out to investigate the presence of infectious agents other than sexually transmitted infections in semen and their relation to semen parameters. METHODS: Five hundred and eighty-seven semen samples of males investigated for infertility were analyzed, inoculated on sterile culture media, and incubated for 24hrs at 37 o C. The isolates were identified by standard biochemical tests and their antimicrobial susceptibility determined. RESULTS: Fifty-four percent of the samples had normal sperm concentration, 41.1% had oligospermia, and 4.9% had azoospermia. About 64.7% had normal viscous consistency, 23.0% were high viscous, and 12.3% low viscous. Also, 19.4% had highly motile permatozoa, 51.5% moderately, 27.6% poorly and 1.6% entirely non-motile spermatozoa. About 55.9% of the samples were infected with different nonspecific pathogens. CONCLUSSION: 55.9% of the semen samples were infected and this significantly affected the semen parameters. It is necessary to investigate male partners of infertile couples for infections and appropriate treatment initiated.
infertile couples,semen analysis,male partners,bacterial
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