
-Omics and Prognostic Markers

A. Ilhan, L. Wagner, M. Maj, A. Woehrer, T. Czech, H. Heinzl, C. Marosi, W. Base, M. Preusser, J. W. Jeuken, A. C. Navis, A. Sijben, S. H. Boots-Sprenger, F. E. Bleeker, J. M. Gijtenbeek, P. Wesseling, E. Seyed Sadr, A. Tessier, M. Seyed Sadr, J. Alshami, M. Anan, C. Sabau, R. Del Maestro, S. Agnihotri, A. Gajadhar, A. Wolf, P. M. Mischel, C. Hawkins, A. Guha, X. Guan, M. R. Chance, J. S. Barnholtz-Sloan, J. D. Larson, F. J. Rodriguez, A. M. Demer, A. L. Sarver, A. Dubac, R. B. Jenkins, A. J. Dupuy, N. G. Copeland, N. A. Jenkins, M. D. Taylor, D. A. Largaespada, E. A. Lusis, J. E. Stuart, A. C. Scheck, S. W. Coons, A. Lal, A. Perry, D. H. Gutmann, M. D. Adams, M. Cohen, K. Devine, Y. Wolinsky, N. Bambakidis, W. Selman, R. Miller, A. E. Sloan, B. Suchorska, J. H. Mehrkens, S. Eigenbrod, C. A. Eroes, J. C. Tonn, H. A. Kretzschmar, F. W. Kreth, P. Buczkowicz, U. Bartels, A. Morrison, M. Zarghooni, E. Bouffet, T. M. Kollmeyer, M. Wrensch, P. A. Decker, Y. Xiao, A. L. Rynearson, S. Fink, M. L. Kosel, D. R. Johnson, D. H. Lachance, P. Yang, B. L. Fridley, J. Wiemels, J. Wiencke, Y.-H. Zhou, K. R. Hess, L. Yu, V. R. Raj, L. Liu, W. K. Alfred Yung, L. F. Hutchins, M. E. Linskey, G. Roldan, R. Kachra, J. B. McIntyre, A. Magliocco, J. Easaw, M. Hamilton, P. A. Northcott, T. Van Meter, C. Eberhart, W. Weiss, J. T. Rutka, N. Gupta, A. Korshunov, P. French, J. Kros, E. Michiels, N. Kloosterhof, P. Hauser, M. F. Montange, A. Jouvet, S. Jung, S.-K. Kim, K.-C. Wang, B.-K. Cho, C. Di Rocco, L. Massimi, J. Leonard, W. Scheurlen, S. Pfister, S. Robinson, S.-H. Yang, J. Y. Yoo, D. G. Cho, H. K. Kim, S. W. Kim, S. W. Lee, T. Kollmeyer, A. Rynearson, P. Decker, H. Sicotte, R. Jenkins, A. Lai, S. Kharbanda, A. Tran, W. Pope, O. Solis, F. Peale, W. Forrest, K. Purjara, J. Carrillo, A. Pandita, B. Ellingson, C. Bowers, R. Soriano, S. Mohan, W. Yong, K. Aldape, P. Mischel, L. Liau, P. Nghiemphu, C. D. James, M. Prados, M. Westphal, K. Lamszus, T. Cloughesy, H. Phillips, N. Thon, S. Kreth, J. Lutz, C. Ledderose, J.-C. Tonn, H. Kretzschmar, F.-W. Kreth, K. Mokhtari, F. Ducray, J. M. Kros, T. Gorlia, A. Idbaih, Y. Marie, M. Taphoorn, A. A. Brandes, K. Hoang-Xuan, J.-Y. Delattre, M. Van den Bent, M. Sanson, I. Lavon, T. Shahar, A. Granit, Y. Smith, E. Nossek, T. Siegal, Z. Ram, N. F. Marko, J. Quackenbush, R. J. Weil, E. Criniere, S. Paris, C. Carpentier, C. Houillier, M. Dieme, C. Adam, C. Duyckaerts, P. O. Zinn, D. Kozono, E. M. Kasper, P. C. Warnke, L. Chin, C. C. Chen, K. Saito, A. Mukasa, N. Saito, D. Stieber, E. Lenkiewicz, L. Evers, L. Vallar, R. Bjerkvig, M. Barrett, S. P. Niclou, A. Brandes, R. Stupp, R. Rampling, P. Fumoleau, C. Dittrich, M. Campone, C. Twelves, E. Raymond, D. Lacombe, M. J. van den Bent, N. Potter, S. Ashmore, K. Karakoula, S. Ward, B. Suarez-Merino, M. Luxsuwong, D. G. Thomas, J. Darling, T. Warr, D. A. Gutman, L. Cooper, J. Kong, C. Chisolm, E. G. Van Meir, J. H. Saltz, C. S. Moreno, D. J. Brat, C. W. Brennan, K. D. Aldape, N. L. Lehman, R. E. McLendon, M. Schniederjan, S. R. Vandenberg, K. Weaver, S. Phillips, L. Pierce, B. Christensen, A. Smith, S. Zheng, D. Koestler, E. A. Houseman, C. J. Marsit, J. L. Wiemels, H. H. Nelson, M. R. Karagas, M. R. Wrensch, K. T. Kelsey, J. K. Wiencke, K. Al-Nedawi, B. Meehan, J. Micallef, J. Rak


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BACKGROUND: Several blood biomarkers have been established for the early diagnosis, screening, and follow-up of non-central nervous system cancers.However, there is lack of knowledge on biochemical blood alterations in brain tumor patients.METHODS: We prospectively studied 109 adult brain tumor patients with diffuse low-grade glioma (WHO II, n ¼ 8), anaplastic glioma (WHO III, n ¼ 11), glioblastoma (WHO IV, n ¼ 34), meningioma (WHO I, n ¼ 11), atypical/anaplastic meningioma (WHO II-III, n ¼ 6), and intracerebral metastasis (ICM, n ¼ 39).In each case, we collected plasma samples maximally 3 days before any mode of neurosurgical intervention (first operation in 73 cases, radiosurgery in 25 cases of ICM).Plasma concentrations of distinct markers including S100B, neuropeptide Y (NPY), secretagogin (SCGN), interleukin 8 (IL8), brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF), placental growth factor (PIGF), and glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP) were analyzed using commercially available ELISA kits.RESULTS: GFAP was detectable in 12 of 34 glioblastoma patients (median: 0.31 ng/ml; range: 0.03-2.17ng/ml), while all other plasma samples were GFAP negative except one anaplastic oligoastrocytoma (6.29 ng/ml) and one ICM (0.54 ng/ml; plasma P , 0.001, chi-square test).Median IL8 and PIGF concentrations were significantly higher in the ICM patients (median: ,level of detection (LOD); range: ,LOD-309.98pg/ml for IL8; median: 10.2 pg/ml; range: ,LOD-133.3pg/ml for PIGF) when compared with meningioma (median: ,LOD; range: ,LOD-53.98 pg/ml for IL8; median: 7.9 pg/ml; range: ,LOD-12 pg/ml for PIGF) and glioma (median: ,LOD; range: ,LOD-28.27pg/ml for IL8; median: 2.7 pg/ml; range: ,LOD-14.1pg/ml for PIGF) patients, respectively (P , 0.001, Kruskal-Wallis-Test). S100B, NPY, SCGN, BDNF, and GDNF concentrations showed no significant difference between patient groups (P .0.05).CONCLUSION: Our results suggest a potential role of IL8 and PIGF in the pathobiology of brain metastases and highlight the potential usability of GFAP as a plasma biomarker in glioblastoma patients.
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