
Ефективність інноваційної діяльності харчової промисловості в системі цілей сталого розвитку країни

Ekonomika APK(2021)

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The purpose of the article is to improve approaches to assessing the effectiveness of innovative activities of the food industry and its individual subsectors to identify prospects for development and problems that can hinder the sustainable development of this area of production and the country as a whole. Research methods. The article uses the methods of theoretical generalizations and comparisons, which made it possible to comprehensively consider and generalize methodological approaches to assessing the effectiveness of innovation in industries. When systematizing the calculated data by the intensity of innovation costs, the methods of statistical classification and grouping were used. To achieve the goal of the study, the methodology for assessing the level of manufacturability of industries has been improved (the OECD methodology is taken as a basis), which made it possible to re-evaluate the effectiveness of innovative activities in sub-sectors of the food industry with an emphasis on the computerization of production. Research results. The article presents a methodical approach to assessing the effectiveness of innovation in the food industry. The study is based on the OECD methodology for assessing the manufacturability of industries, which is to calculate the weighted average cost intensity of R & D. The application of this approach to the food industry has confirmed the too low level of its innovative manufacturability. It was found that due to the lack of relevant statistics on R&D expenditures, it is difficult to assess the effectiveness of innovation in certain sectors of the food industry. It is proposed to solve this problem with the help of capital investment indicators, which are invested in the software of industries and are directly related to the level of computerization of technological processes. The obtained indicators of the intensity of software costs are ranked in descending order and divided into three groups according to the level of computerization, which characterizes the efficiency of innovation, as its level increases profits and profitability in industries. This will contribute to the goals of sustainable development of the country (including goals 2 and 9) and increase the competitiveness of the food industry. Scientific novelty. A methodological approach to assessing the effectiveness of innovative activities of sub-sectors of the food industry in Ukraine is proposed, which will contribute to the formation of a new look at the research methodology of this area of knowledge. Practical significance. Designed for professionals in the field of food industry economics, scientists, teachers, graduate students and students of higher educational institutions. The results of the study can be used by experts to assess the level of manufacturability of industries. Tabl.: 3. Refs.: 30.
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