
Vehicle to Vehicle Charging with New Perspective for Power Transfer


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Electric vehicles are regarded as one of the most trending technology in the automobile Industry. Recent studies conducted in 2020 show that electric vehicles have already been established in many developed countries such as USA, Japan, Denmark, France, Belgium, United Kingdom, Austria, China, Finland, Portugal, Netherlands, Sweden, Iceland and Norway. Over one million Electric Vehicles have been sold around the world and in India between April to December 2019 about one thousand five hundred and fifty four EV’s were sold. This shows that EV are the future of transportation with respect to roadways. Though EV have advantages such as reduction in running cost, low maintenance, Low pollution, Low GHG production, Improved Safety and easy access to fuel as it is in terms of electrical energy. EV’s also come in different varieties such as BEV, PHEV and HEV. This report will mainly focus on BEV vehicles as they are usually bought by users. Even though EV’s have many advantages, There is a slight issue that exists for EV user and that is the charging options when ‘NO’ charging stations are to be found when the EV’s battery is drained or is said to have consumed all its charge .Whenever an electric vehicle has to be charged it requires a charging unit to be present. In cases where there is no charging stations available a suitable system is proposed to charge the vehicle in need of power from an EV that has sufficient power and is capable of discharging or transferring power to the EV that is in need of power. The protocol that has been suggested in this system combines the V2G and G2V protocols. This concept uses the fast charging method that is being employed in almost every electric vehicle in order to achieve two main criteria which are transfer of power and fast charging of EV in a very short span.
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