
Smart Carbon Monitoring Platform under IoT-Cloud Architecture for Small Cities in B5G


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With the rapid development of the Internet of Things (IoT) in the 5G age, the construction of smart cities around the world consequents on the exploration of carbon reduction path based on IoT technology is an important direction for global low carbon city research. Carbon dioxide emissions in small cities are usually higher than that in large and medium cities. However, due to the huge difference in data environment between small cities and Medium-large sized cities, the weak hardware foundation of the IoT, and the high input cost, the construction of a small city smart carbon monitoring platform has not yet been carried out. This paper proposes a real-time estimate model of carbon emissions at the block and street scale and designs a smart carbon monitoring platform that combines traditional carbon control methods with IoT technology. It can exist long-term data by using real-time data acquired with the sensing device. Therefore, the dynamic monitoring and management of low-carbon development in small cities can be achieved. The contributions are summarized as follows: (1) Intelligent thermoelectric systems, industrial energy monitoring systems, and intelligent transportation systems are three core systems of the monitoring platform. Carbon emission measurement methods based on sample monitoring, long-term data, and real-time data have been established, they can solve the problem of the high cost of IoT equipment in small cities. (2) Combined with long-term data, the real-time correction technology, they can dispose of the matter of differences in carbon emission measurement under diverse scales.
Internet of things,Smart city,Low carbon city,Intelligent control of carbon emission,Real-time monitoring
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